Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Green Park Hotel Review

We started out last weekend's International Exchange event by reviewing a local business hotel. It was a bit random and out-of-the-blue, but I suppose it was something obligatory or a formality.

Green Park Hotel is a a business hotel located in Honcho in the heart of Aomori City. It's a very obvious building because the whole thing is painted an algae-green color. It's near all the important places like the city office, prefectural office, and Shinmachi, and it's only a 5 minute taxi ride from Aomori Station and ASPAM. Location-wise, it's fairly good, but the neighborhood it sits in is fairly dark and shady.

The hotel manager explained to us that foreign travelers, especially from the United States, have been visiting Aomori in greater numbers than ever before. They've also begun to stay in lower-priced accommodations like guest houses or business hotels. To better serve the foreign visitors, they wanted our opinion.

My first impression of the place was, "Well, it looks and feels like a normal business hotel." Nothing in particular stood out, except for how nice the public bathrooms downstairs were. The building isn't particularly new, nor is it particularly large. The rooms were small and had no view out the window whatsoever, but they were very clean, quiet, and comfortable. All in all, it felt the way a business hotel should.

For a foreign visitor who doesn't speak Japanese, I can imagine staying in these northern wastes of Japan is difficult. English ability is very limited, and translations are hardly ever provided. The clerks at the counter of Green Park Hotel spoke a fair amount of slow English, which I found (pretended to find) very helpful. They also had a decent amount of fairly accurate English translations on their guides and pamphlets, although it would still be better to have more. I found that the only perfectly written piece of English was the Asahi Beer advertisement.

So close! But at least it's understandable...
Suddenly, perfect English.
One thing we found particularly funny were the "adult programming" pamphlets. "Yeah, this is definitely lodging meant for businessmen traveling alone," we collectively thought. It was also interesting how the cover was written mostly in English, yet the contents are exclusively Japanese. What a tease!

OMG adult programming in English!
Just kidding, it's all Japanese. At least there are pictures!

Finally, we were allowed to partake in their breakfast buffet. It was already lunchtime, but nobody was complaining! Their selection was particularly good, and the taste was nothing to be ashamed of. For a mere 500 yen, I thought it was a great deal.

Japanese food, pseudo-Western food, they've got it all.
In conclusion, this business hotel was basically what you'd expect from a business hotel. Just enough to be clean, safe, and comfortable, for cheaper than a conventional hotel. I'm not sure what exactly made it different from any other one, but I enjoyed the breakfast buffet.









Scalloping in Mutsu Bay

When you think of products that come from Aomori, the two things that come to mind are apples and scallops (called hotate in Japanese). The afternoon portion of last week's reporting tour took place in Noheji, a town about an hour east of Aomori City. It sits on the very southern coast of Mutsu Bay, where the majority of Aomori's (and Japan's) scallops come from.

The scallop, a tasty little mollusk!

Anatomy of a scallop. Everything but the dark digestive gland is edible.

We arrived at a small building labelled JF, which is the local fishery organization. There, we met two fishing boat captains and their crew, who then ushered us onto their boats. We happened to arrive during the local summer festival, so one of the ships was still adorned with the bright flags displayed during the boat parade.

We boated out into the open sea of Mutsu bay for about 5 minutes before stopping in front a of a field of floats and buoys. The captain and crew explained that they were markers for the scallop lines, which is where the scallops are hung and farmed. I was under the impression that we were going to be catching wild scallops from the sea floor, but apparently it's much more complicated than that.

The captain explained the basic life cycle of a scallop. They start out as little tiny transparent larvae, which fall to the sea floor and slowly grow larger and more opaque with time. The farmers nurture these teeny tiny scallops in mesh bags into their adolescence.

Baby scallop on the left, more mature scallop on the right.
Baby scallops in their mesh bag.
When they get big enough, they have a hole drilled into the bottom corner of their shell and have a string attached to them. They're then hung onto a 10 meter rope, which are then placed into the bay. The captain said that placing them too deep would make them susceptible to predators, like rays or starfish, lurking on the sea floor. Meanwhile, the surface of the ocean is too choppy for the scallops to gather their main food source, plankton.

The hotate life cycle and farming process.

In Mutsu Bay, scallops are farmed both from hanging on ropes and more naturally on the sea bed. We wanted to see the farming methods themselves, but since it was festival season, fishing was prohibited and we didn't actually get to see anything. However, as a consolation, the captains gave us all a big box full of scallops to take home, and then set up a big scallop barbecue for us to enjoy!

At the barbecue, the fisherman taught us how to open the scallops with a special spade-like tool and how to prepare it. Of course, you can eat the abductor muscle and mantle portions as sashimi straight out of the shell. You can also throw them onto a grill and cook them in their own shells.

Grilling in the shell, called kaiyaki.
Mmm, yummy!
With that, we all went home with a big box of fresh scallops to eat for the next several days. I've been eating scallops for the last three nights, and now I'm craving some red meat! See you again!





Sunday, August 3, 2014

Energy Exploration in Rokkasho

Only a week ofter the Bunaco trip, we were set to take another one. This time, we headed out onto the Shimokita Peninsula to a town called Rokkasho. Sitting on the handle of the hatchet that is Shimokita, it is easily viewable from a distance because of its iconic wind turbines.

Shimokita is famous for it's remoteness. Some say it is one of the last truly rural parts of Japan. The low population makes it a perfect place to locate things that nobody wants to live next to. In this case, Rokkasho is home to an enormous energy industrial complex.

When I say energy, I mean a bunch of different conventional energy forms all in one place. As I mentioned before, the "hatchet handle" is dotted with hundreds of wind turbines, generating clean energy for the residents of Aomori using the strong winds that commonly gust through the narrow peninsula. Underneath the wind turbines sit solar panels that soak up the suns rays on those lucky sunny Aomori days. We stopped at a small observation deck to take a peek at the solar farm and to take pictures of the massive wind generators whirling rapidly in the strong winds.

On the drive through, we passed by a field of massive silos, each storing hundreds of thousands of gallons of crude oil in reserve in case of emergency. It's said that there is enough crude oil stored here to power Japan for 3 months in case something goes terribly wrong.

We spent a fair amount of time at a hot spring building out in the middle of nowhere. It was called Rocca-Pocca, and while it was a fairly normal large tourist and bathing building, they boasted the cutest set of mascot characters ever!

The Rocca-Pocca's six bathing cuddlies.

Finally, the most important and outstanding facility is the nuclear waste storage and remediation facility. Getting inside required a large amount of security clearance, as would be expected from any facility handling highly radioactive material. They gave us a tour around the facilities, most of which we could only look at from a distance through windows.

Nuclear Recycling Facility

The JNFL complex contains 6 facilities, 2 of which are still under construction. They have a uranium enriching plant, used to make mined uranium usable inside a reactor. The have a low-level waste disposal center, that handles and stores drums of various contaminated items, like safety equipment, tools, clothing, or liquids. There is a vitrified waste storage center that keeps the nasty fission byproducts turned into glass. There is a spent fuel storage facility, which keeps spent or partially spent fuel rods underwater awaiting reprocessing or reuse (this facility is currently filled to max capacity with fuel rods since Japan shut down all their nuclear reactors). There is a reprocessing plant (near completion), as mentioned before, which breaks apart used fuel rods and extracts usable fissile material. Finally, the is a MOX fuel fabrication plant (expected completion in 2017), where they plan to produce experimental "Mixed Oxide Fuel" rods out of reprocessed uranium and plutonium, which can be used similarly to standard uranium fuel rods in light water reactors. For more detailed information, visit They have an English site too!

(and now for a lecture on nuclear energy production and safety)

Before we went inside the nuclear fuel reprocessing facility, one of the participants remarked, "wait, we're actually going inside there? Oh crud...," which is also when I realized that many of these participants, like most of the world's population, don't know how nuclear fission and radioactive decay work.

To understand how nuclear waste storage and remediation works, you must first understand what nuclear fission does and how to safely handle nuclear waste. Inside a nuclear power plant (light water reactors), there are enriched uranium ("fissile material") fuel rods. These fuel rods get blasted with neutrons, which have a chance to be absorbed by some of these fissile material atoms. If it is absorbed, the resulting atom becomes an unstable isotope. Most of the time, these unstable isotopes will undergo fission, where the heavy isotope splits into two smaller atoms (called "fission byproducts"), releasing kinetic energy, gamma rays (x-rays, essentially), beta particles (free electrons), and 2-3 more neutrons to get soaked up by other uranium or plutonium atoms and continue the fission chain reaction.  It is the massive amount of kinetic energy released, turned into heat, that provides the majority of energy used to produce electricity.

After many years in operation, the fuel rods become lean in fissile material. It is at this time that the reactors are shut down and the "spent" fuel rods are replaced with fresh ones. But what should be done with these spent fuel rods? The main concern is, what exactly in left in the spent rods?

As I mentioned before, fissile materials turn into fission byproducts when they split apart. What exactly the fission byproducts are is entirely up to probability, as a fissile material can split into combination of byproducts as long as the resulting mass is the same. Basically, what's left inside the fuel rods is a smorgasbord of various metals and gases, most of which are unstable and undergoing radioactive decay. These materials are NASTY, and you definitely don't want them getting out into the environment. This is why all fuel rods are encased in a metal "cladding" that seals all the crud inside and doesn't let any of it get out.

So hey, the fission byproducts are sealed, so there's nothing to worry about, right? Wrong! There is the problem of RADIATION. Oooooh I used a scary word. But what is radiation? Visible light is radiation. Your microwave and toaster use radiation to cook your food. The radio in your car operates on radiation. What's so scary about radiation?

Radiation itself isn't necessarily harmful. The key word you should be concerned about is "ionizing radiation". This is radiation that will fundamentally alter the atoms and molecules inside your body, and can therefore cause cell and DNA damage, the scariest of which would lead to massive cell death or malignant cancer. You don't want ionizing radiation traveling through your body. This type of radiation comes in 3 forms: alpha particles, beta particles, and gamma rays.

Alpha particles, essentially a Helium nucleus with no electrons, can be pretty nasty because they go around stealing electrons from other atoms they come into contact with. We tend not to care much about them because they are large enough to collide into other matter and can't travel very far. If one of these particles did get far enough to hit you, it would stop before it even made it past your clothes or the layer of dead skin cells that surround your body. Since there's usually no contact with living tissue, alpha particles aren't dangerous unless an alpha particle emitter (such as Radon gas) is ingested or inhaled. The inside of your lungs don't have a protective layer of dead cells like your skin does, allowing alpha particles to bombard sensitive tissues.

Beta particles, on the other hand, are just free flying electrons and are much smaller than alpha particles. They are able to travel much further through matter, usually making it through several meters of air or tens of mm through human flesh. These little electrons fly through the empty space of atoms' electron clouds and slowly lose energy when it collides with nuclei. It'll eventually settle and ionize an atom, leading to fundamental changes in that atom's properties. Beta particles are a bit more scary because they can travel several meters through air. If you're standing next to a beta particle emitter (like most fission byproducts), those beta particles are showering upon you in all their carcinogenic glory several centimeters beneath your skin. However, several millimeters of aluminum is enough to stop almost all beta particles, so wearing an aluminum foil hat would actually be fairly effective at protecting your brain. The main concern again would be if you inhale or ingest a beta particle emitter. Your internal organs would be getting showered with electrons, which leads to serious microscopic (nanoscopic?) internal destruction.

Gamma rays (also called x-rays), finally, are the most dangerous of the ionizing radiation family. They have no mass and travel as pure energy, and so are even more difficult to stop than beta particles. Half of emitted gamma rays will travel through 150 meters of air or 6 cm of concrete. Lead (or plumbium) is by far the best gamma blocking substance, taking only a cm to stop half of emitted gamma rays. That's why the dentist lays a heavy lead apron on your body before taking an x-ray image. This kind of radiation is what we are terrified of, despite the fact that gamma radiation is common in normal daily life, such as medical screenings, normal cosmic radiation, emissions from the ground, and emissions from potassium (like in a banana). Yes, eating a banana irradiates you.

So now that we know what ionizing radiation is and why it's dangerous, how dangerous are spent fuel rods? Well, alpha particles weren't much of a concern to begin with because you could essentially bathe in an ocean on alpha particles with no ill effects (actually it would probably kill you, but not through radiation-caused cancer). Meanwhile, beta particles won't make it further than several meters from the fission byproducts, assuming it even gets past the cladding. The gamma rays are the things we have to worry about.

Fission byproducts, being mostly unstable elements undergoing radioactive decay, release lots of beta and gamma radiation. Nuclear safety controllers first need to ensure that the source emitting the radiation (the fission byproducts) doesn't get spread around. That's why they have cladding. Since all the nasties are contained within the fuel rods, the next step is to prevent the radiation that inevitably comes out of these fission byproducts from actually hitting anyone.

That is where the nuclear waste storage and remediation facility comes into play. First, as I said before, the fuel rods aren't EMPTY. They are simply "lean" in fissile material (uranium and plutonium). Reprocessing the fuel rods involves chopping the rods open and chemically separating the cladding, nasty fission byproducts, and still useable fissile material from each other. The reprocessed fissile material is then reused in new fuel rods, while the nasty fission byproducts become "high level nuclear waste", which spew beta and gamma radiation all over the place.

So what do they do with the high level nuclear waste? They turn it into glass! It's called "vitrification", and it reduces the volume of the nuclear waste tremendously. This allows them to pack the waste into tall steel canisters and slide them 9 high into 10m deep holes in the ground. The canisters emit a massive amount of radiation (enough to be fatal with just 10 seconds of direct exposure), so the burial ensures that any beta or gamma radiation gets soaked up by the concrete. Remember, just 60 cm of concrete is enough to reduce gamma radiation to less than 0.1%. The glass contains boron compounds as well, so any rogue neutrons get soaked up immediately. Some say that nuclear waste is a huge environmental problem, but all of the world's high level nuclear waster can be vitrified and stored safely in a facility the size of a Walmart. I'm fairly certain standard garbage landfills are much more of a concern than nuclear waste.

Vitrified waste








